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As you guys know, the Hollow Earth setting is something that I'm trying to slowly build here in this blog, and in this post I will try to ramble about some mythology. You can check in other posts to get some background about the setting, or just read it through and steal some ideas, get some inspirations for your own setting/games, or whatever you feel more inclined to.

I am not thinking here on a macro level, a big-bang-ish thing, norse mythology or  something like “In the beginning there was Chaos…” and this sort of thing. Here, all I'm thinking about is a landmark present in the world and, like we see on our own, it has power, or is surrounded by events that cannot be easily explained, and then a mythology is built around it.

Bromo is a volcano, it is in a frozen land almost forgotten by the world, with the exception of a single village. Local legends that have spread say that Bromo is responsible for all life present in the world as it is known.

The dust from eruptions, those that permeate the entire air of the small village and contaminate the lungs of the inhabitants, is from where all life comes from and to where all life will ultimately go to. “From dust to dust”.

Eruptions have ceased for a few decades. But still the dust remains in the atmosphere, and strange life forms keep appearing, taken from these ashes, and still some copies of people and beings that already exist also sprout from them now and again.

A few who are aware of what is happening in the depths of the world (which is inhabited by beings who master a very advanced and weird technology), suspect, or even know, about what actually happens in Bromo. Genetic experiments took place a long time ago in a laboratory inside the volcano, the massive inherent temperature shifts of the colossal mountain was being used as a source of energy. However,a few centuries ago, an eruption occurred and the lab had to be shut down. Well, given that new creatures are emerging, could the lab be operating again?

My attempt here is to bring together and link some aspects of this worldbuilding: Mythology inherent in medieval societies, a link with beings from the depths, and some gaps to be explored through theories such as adventure hooks. And on top of that, not being a dense cosmic Lore that might be hard to reach and impacted by the playing-characters. Little folklore and hints about what appears to be the truth will permeate this setting, this is perhaps the first of some samples.

Thanks for reading, it has been nice traveling around this with you people. 

Edited by C.A. Bertliz


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