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Stacked Tower - Wizard Tower Generator for MiniBX

Stacked Tower

This is a tool to generate a wizard tower by stacking dice, it can be played in a solo mode or with a group of players. For this, traditional dice sets (d4, d6, d8, d12 and d20) must be used, and each die will generate a specific tower room. The type or number of faces of the die will represent the type of room( d4 - the wizard’s chamber, d6 - sample deposit, d8 - the observatory, d12 - the library, d20 - laboratory), and the roll itself will determine the content of the room.

The Stacking Mechanic.

  • The dice should be stacked in any order (except for the d4, which I think should be the last one to be stacked, as I couldn’t think of a way to stack other dice on top of this particular one.)

  • The players should take turns at stacking the dice. Touching only the die that will be stacked.

  • If the dice pile falls, the tower collapses. This should represent the thrill of exploring a ruined but still active tower.

  • Players can spend 1 save (only one per PC) to have another stacking try.


Four ancestral wizards live at four different ruined towers hidden at magical corrupted places.

These places, according to some legends and rumors, in addition to being corrupted by these spell casters’ practices, also have corrupted beings. And most of all, these towers are known to have huge and incredible power, that can be mastered through items and magical practices hardly seen or handled before.

Adventurers are often drawn to these locations trying to harness this power, or are hired by someone who wants it for themselves. A few get to know of this corrupting power and want to go there to eradicate it.

The origin of these wizards is unknown, some claim they are interplanar beings, others claim that they are immortal ancestral beings, while many consider them gods.

What is known, in fact, is that both these places and these wizards are not friendly. Also known is that the atmosphere at the towers is always oppressive. Everyone is sure of this, despite the fact that no one has ever returned from a tower expedition.

More about this background and the tower origins is coming through exploration.

Rooms Spells

The spells in the rooms are available only in the tower wizard spell tome. It can be casted twice per encounter by them.

Encounters and Monsters.

Use the hack for B/X monster in miniBX text, or adapt some with the same HD from the MiniBX bestiary.

Tower Rooms

Rolling Content of the rooms and encounters: The dice that represents the room should be rolled to determine the room content, and another dice should be rolled to determine if an encounter will happen. If the encounter roll is higher than 5, an encounter occurs. Monster stats will be specified by HD at the appendix.

Spell: Every room will have a spell that must be written down, as the wizard will have it in his tome of magic.

D20 Laboratories

  1. Hell lab: A laboratory with various devilish items coming from the depths of hell. Demon parts, demonic runes that should not be touched, if touched, the PC that did it must spend a save or lose consciousness and be permanently possessed by a demon.

    Spell: Summon Demon (Summon 2 imps of 1 HD), circle 2.

    Encounter: 3 1HD imps.

  2. Multiverse lab: A lab full of multiverse travel gadgets. Power generators, accelerators, and compressors can be rearranged to build a portal. In order to do it, the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, the portal is built and a multiverse beast is summoned, in a succes, the beast is friendly, in a failure, it is not friendly and will attack.

    Spell: Multiverse travel (Travels for 4 hours to another random dimension), circle 4.

    Encounter: 2HD multiverse beast.

  3. Nanoverse lab: A lab full of nanoverse gadgets. These nano gadgets can be rearranged to build a portal. To do so, the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a failure, all PCs have to spend a save to not be shrinked permanently, in a succes, a reduce self artifact is built.

    Spell: Reduce self (shrink a target for the duration of concentration), circle 3.

    Encounter: 3 nano parasites that drain 1 die in the dice chain per hour.

  4. Fire Element lab: A laboratory full of specific reagents, which, if used in the right order, can give life to an elemental with 3 HD. To do it, the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, the elemental is friendly, in a failure, it is not friendly and will attack.

    Spell: Fireball (2d6+1 damage in short area), circle 3

    Encounter: 3 HD elemental

  5. Ice Element lab: A laboratory full of specific reagents, which, if used in the right order, can give life to an elemental with 3 HD. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, the elemental is friendly, in a failure, it is not friendly and will attack.

    Spell: Icebolt (3d6 damage to one target), circle 3

    Encounter: 3HD elemental

  6. Water Element lab: A laboratory full of specific reagents, which, if used in the right order, can give life to an elemental with 3 HD. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, the elemental is friendly, in a failure, it is not friendly and will attack.

    Spell: Water spray bolt (2d6+1 damage in short area), circle 3

    Encounter: 3 HD elemental

  7. Earth Element lab: A laboratory full of specific reagents, which, if used in the right order, can give life to an elemental with 3 HD. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, the elemental is friendly, in a failure, it is not friendly and will attack.

    Spell: Rock blast (2d6+1 damage in short area), circle 3

    Encounter: 3HD elemental

  8. Potions lab: A laboratory full of specific reagents, which, if used in the right order, can craft a potion. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, a cure 2 dice in the dice chain potion is crafted, in a failure, the PC that drinks this potion will lose 2 dice in the dice chain.

    Spell: Cure wounds (Cure 3d6, see healing spell rule), circle 3

    Encounter: 3HD elemental

  9. Magic Items lab: A laboratory full of trinkets, which, if used in the right order, can craft a magic item. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, a +1 weapon is crafted, in a failure, one weapon of the PCs (randomly chosen) gets -1 attack, a save can be used to avoid it.

    Spell: Magic weapon (gives +2 attack to a weapon for one hour), circle 2

    Encounter: 2 HD constructs.

  10. Magic Food lab: A laboratory full of gooey food, which, if used in the right order, can cook one piece of magic food. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, 2 bites of +1 life food is cooked, in a failure, a smoke takes over the room and the PCs lose 1 die in the dice chain.

    Spell: Cure wounds (Cure 3d6, see healing spell rule), circle 3

    Encounter: 2 HD animated goo.

  11. Antigravity Lab: A laboratory full of trinkets, which, if used in the right order, can craft an antigravity apparatus. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, the anti gravity apparatus is made, in a failure, the lab itself has antigravity, a save must be spent or the PCs lose 1 die in the dice chain due to the sharp floating trinkets.

    Spell: Anti Gravity (makes an entire room lose its gravitational field for the duration of concentration), circle 3

    Encounter: 2 HD aliens.

  12. Dark Matter lab: A laboratory full of trinkets, which, if used in the right order, can craft a dark matter apparatus (that sucks matter). To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, the dark matter apparatus is made, in a failure, a black hole appears and a save must be spent or the PCs are sucked by this.

    Spell: Dark Matter (creates a black hole that sucks everyone in a room for the duration of concentration), circle 5.

    Encounter: 2 HD aliens.

  13. Herbal Lab: A laboratory full of herbs and plants components, which, if used in the right order, can make a vine trap. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, the vine trap is made, in a failure, vines trap the PCs and a save must be spent for them to be released.

    Spell: Vine trap (creates a vine trap that holds everyone in a room for the duration of concentration), circle 5.

    Encounter: 1 HD man trees.

  14. Environment emulator lab: A laboratory full of trinkets, which, if used in the right order, can craft an environment changer apparatus. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, the apparatus is made, in a failure, a very hostile environmental occurrence takes place.

    Spell: Change environment (creates an entire environment at caster’s will that can cause cold or hot damage to others, for the duration of concentration), circle 3.

    Encounter: 2 HD wind or sun beings.

  15. Magic War Machine lab: A laboratory full of huge trinkets, which, if used in the right order, can craft a war machine. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, the war machine is made, in a failure, it loses control and attacks the PCs.

    Spell: Summon War Machine (Summons a 4 HD War Machine), circle 4.

    Encounter: 5 HD war machine.

  16. Weird Tech lab: A laboratory full of huge trinkets, which, if used in the right order, can craft a weird artifact. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, the artifact is made, in a failure, it loses control and reverses the effect willed to the artifact.

    Spell: Summon Weird Artifact (summons a strange artifact that can have some effect like the other spells described here), circle 4.

    Encounter: 5 HD war machine.

  17. Lizards Lab: A laboratory full of lizard parts, which, if used in the right order, can summon a giant lizard. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, the giant lizard is friendly, in a failure, it attack the PCs.

    Spell: Summon Giant Lizard, circle 4.

    Encounter: 3 HD giant lizard.

  18. Frog Lab: A laboratory full of frog parts, which, if used in the right order, can summon a giant frog. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, the giant frog is friendly, in a failure, it attack the PCs.

    Spell: Summon Giant Frog, circle 4.

    Encounter: 3 HD giant frog.

  19. Birds lab: A laboratory full of bird parts, which, if used in the right order, can summon a giant bird. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, the giant bird is friendly, in a failure, it attack the PCs.

    Spell: Summon Giant Bird, circle 4.

    Encounter: 3 HD giant bird.

  20. Mammals lab: A laboratory full of bird parts, which, if used in the right order, can summon a giant beast. To do it the PC must roll a d6 equal to or below their +magic, in a success, the giant beast is friendly, in a failure, it attack the PCs.

    Spell: Summon Giant Beast, circle 4.

    Encounter: 3 HD giant bird.

D12 Libraries

  1. Ancient Lore library: The knowledge present here may reveal where the ancient mages came from, create your own theories. In which way can this knowledge be used in the confrontation with the mage?

    Spell: Ancient Lore (reveals a secret that can be used in any situation as as an opponent’s weakness) , circle 3

    Encounter: 2 Guardian ancient beast 2 HD.

  2. Secret Lore Library: A secret present here may be used against the ancient wizards, create your theories. In which way can this secret be used?

    Spell: The Sealed Secret (creates a seal for a secret that can never be revealed except by counter magic), circle 3

    Encounter: 2 spectral guardians 2 HD.

  3. Regular Lore: A regular library with no useful information.

    Spell: None

    Encounter: None

  4. Fake Lore Library: All the knowledge here is fake, make it up. Mostly, it is that reality is not as it seems.

    Spell: The true lie (a lie becomes undeniably true until counter magic), circle 5.

    Encounter: The guardians of truth, monster that reveals dark secrets about the PCs, ask which one.

  5. Runes Library: Lost runes of ancient era, it can cast any spell listed in this module.

    Spell: Choose one from the module.

    Encounter: The guardians of the lost runes 2 HD ancient beings.

  6. Forgotten Lore Library: Lost lore of ancient era, this can cast any spell listed in this module.

    Spell: Choose one from the module .

    Encounter: The guardians of the lost runes 2-2 HD ancient beings.

  7. Ancient Language: The grammar of a lost language is here, PCs can learn it through spells.

    Spell: Secret Language (creates a secret language with one target, only the caster and the target can learn it), circle 2.

    Encounter: The guardians of the lost language 2 HD ancient beings.

  8. Multiverse Navigation: The coordinates and directions for navigating the multiverse are here in this library.

    Spell: Multiverse travel (travels for 4 hours to another random dimension), circle 4.

    Encounter: 2-2 HD multiverse beast.

  9. Underground Catalog: The coordinates and directions for navigating the underground are here in this library.

    Spell: The underground compass (makes a compass to navigate through the underworld, the user can’t get lost there), circle 4.

    Encounter: 2HD underground beast.

  10. Forgotten Bestiary: A catalog of unknown beasts of the multiverse and other places.

    Spell: Summon Multiverse Beast (summons a 4 HD beast from the multiverse), circle 4

    Encounter: 4 HD multiverse beast.

  11. Spell Components Herbary Library: A library full of herbal components to any spell, it can make the spell permanent.

    Spell: Choose one from the module .

    Encounter: The guardians of the lost runes 2-2 HD ancient beings.

  12. Astronomy and Astrology Lore: The coordinates and directions for navigating the stars and to interpret them are here in this library.

    Spell: Ask the stars (the stars answer truthfully to one question made by the caster), circle 4.

    Encounter: 3-2 HD beast from the stars.

D10 Magic Items deposit

There is no chance of encounters in these rooms, but instead there are the same chances of encounters (5 in 10) to find a magic item, as described below.

  1. Ancient Items: Items from ancient eras, the magic item here is a staff of ancient times, that once a day reveals a secret from ancient times.

  2. Royal Items: Items from old kings, from old eras. It holds a crown of power that gives +2 attack to anyone wearing it.

  3. Mech Items: Weird tech items. The item here is a mech armor that gives +3 attack for anyone wearing it.

  4. Physiological Items: Organic items. It Has one vaccine shot that gives +2 life to anyone that takes it.

  5. Runes Items: Runic items. A rune can be attached to one item, and it gives +1 attack if the item is a weapon, +1 armor if the item is an armor, and so on.

  6. Forgotten Items: Forgotten items from old eras. Here there is a necklace of old times that gives +2 saves for anyone who is wearing it.

  7. Necro Items: Necro items from the dead. A Necro tiara that gives +2 magic and -1 life to anyone wearing it can be found here.

  8. Multiverse Items: Items from the unknown worlds. There is a multiverse staff, that teleports the wielder once a day, to anywhere in the multiverse

  9. Underground Items: Items collected from the dead. The item to be found here is an eternal lamp that lights anywhere for how long it is wielded.

  10. Ruined Items: Cracked and useless items. No magic items here.

D8 The observatories

  1. Orb (to be pondered): An orb that can show to the wizard anywhere in the multiverso, a +magic test (under or equal) can also show fragments of it for the PC that touches the orb.

    Encounter: 2-2 HD multiverse beast.

    Spell: Ask the orb (the orb answers truthfully any one question by the caster), circle 4.

  2. Magic Crows Aviary: An aviary of magic crows that seem to split in copies and reach all the world, they also possess a collective intelligence.

    Encounter: 4 HD monster made of a collective crows

    Spell: Summon crows (summons a 4 HD monster made of a collective of crows), circle 4.

  3. Pool of Vision: A pool of magic water that connects with any fount of water, the wizard that touches it can see through it.

    Encounter: 4 HD elemental of water

    Spell: Boil water (boil any water causing 3d6 damage), circle 4.

  4. Winged Specters: A huge ruby ​​that traps souls and turns them into winged specters. Whoever touches it must spend a save to not be trapped.

    Encounter: 2-2 HD elemental of water

    Spell: Soul trap (traps in an apparatus any soul, leaving the target swooning, until the apparatus is broken) circle 3.

  5. Animal Bound Dispositive: A chair carved with a motif of various animals, the user can connect to the world’s fauna, they become aware of the sight and senses of the animals of the world. Since it is a very powerful spell, whoever sits in the chair has to pass a roll under test of +magic to spend a save and be able to have that connection for a few minutes.

    Encounter: 2-2 HD animal beasts

    Spell: Animal sense (sense through an target animal for the duration of concentration) circle 2.

  6. Herbal Bound Dispositive: A chair carved with a motif of herbs and plants, the user can connect to the world’s flora, they become aware of the sight and other senses of the plants of the world. Since it is a very powerful spell, whoever sits in the chair has to pass a roll under test of +magic to spend a save and be able to have that connection for a few minutes.

    Encounter: 2-2 HD animated plant humanoid

    Spell: Plant sense (sense through a target plant for the duration of concentration) circle 2.

  7. Human Spies with Griffons: A huge place with Griffons being taken care of, there are 4 human spies in the room. The room also has a huge balcony for flight. The encounter here is mandatory.

    Encounter: 2-2 HD human spy.

    Spell: Summon Griffon (summons a 3 HD griffon for the duration of concentration, with an arcane focus this spell can be permanent), circle 2.

  8. Synaptic Trance Camera: A chair with synaptic plug for the brain, the user can connect to the sentient beings of the world, they become aware of the sight and other senses of the sentient beings of the world. Since it is a very powerful spell, whoever sits in the chair has to pass a roll under test of +magic to spend a save and be able to have that connection for a few minutes.

    Encounter: 2-2 HD Awere being zombified

    Spell: Sentient being sense (sense through a target sentient being for the duration of concentration) circle 2.

D6 Deposits

  1. Beasts from the multiverse: A room full of cages, with beasts from the multiverse. In the corner is a deactivated portal.The cages can be easily opened.

    Encounter: 4-2 HD multiverse beasts

    Spell: Multiverse travel (travels for 4 hours to another random dimension), circle 4.

  2. Herbary: A herbary with also some samples ready to use. They can be collected and used as arcane focus for some spells.

    Spell: Vine trap (creates a vine trap that holds everyone in a room for the duration of concentration), circle 5.

    Encounter: 1 HD treemen.

  3. Chimeras: A room full of cages holding chimeras (mixed part beasts). The cages can be easily opened.

    Encounter: 2-3 HD chimeras

    Spell: Summon chimera (summon a 2 HD chimera), circle 2.

  4. Multiverse Herbary: A herbary of weird plants from the multiverse. They can be collected and used as arcane focus for some spells.

    Spell: Vine trap (creates a vine trap that holds everyone in a room for the duration of concentration), circle 5.

    Encounter: 1 HD multiverse treeman.

  5. Nano Beings: Nano being in a very small glass sphere, any PC that touches anything enters this nanoverse, it can be avoided if the PC spends a save.

    Spell: Reduce self (shrink a target for the duration of concentration), circle 3.

    Encounter: None

  6. Organic Constructos: It looks like a morg with a bizarre scene of body parts preserved in fluids. Encounter here is mandatory.

    Spell: Raise Dead (raises a 3 HD giant undead), circle 3.

    Encounter: 4 - 2 HD organic constructos

The Chamber Puzzle

The numbers rolled by the dice represent letters of the wizard’s name (as en example, if the players rolled 14, 11, 9, 8, 7, 5, 4, the wizard name is NKIHGED), the GM should not tell it to the players in the first expedition, but there is a warning at the chamber’s door: If the numbers of the rooms represent letters of my name, what is my name? The players should deduce the name, but the dice cannot be re-stacked.

In solo mode, take secret notes of the rooms, and try to deduce if the players will figure it out.

D4 Wizard’s Chambers

  1. The Knowledge Chamber: A chamber that looks like a big multiverse library, choose or randomly roll any spell from the library session.

    Wizard Stats: +Armor 5, +Life 4, HD: 8 (8d4), Atk: 2 × magic staff (1d6+3 + petrification ifhit), 1 × spell (according to the rooms); +Attack/Magic 5, Saves 4, +Morale 8.

  2. The Multiverse Chamber: A chamber full of portals leading to strange and unfamiliar places. Choose or randomly roll any spell from the watch session.

    Wizard Stats: +Armor 6, +Life 3, HD: 7 (7d4), Atk: 2 × magic staff (1d6+3 + disintegration if hit), 2 × spell (according to the rooms); +Attack/Magic 6, Saves 3, +Morale 9.

  3. The Death Chamber: A chamber full of dead skeletons reminiscent of a large crypt. Choose or randomly roll any spell from the deposits session.

    Wizard Stats: +Armor 4, +Life 5, HD: 6 (6d4), Atk: 2 × magic staff (1d6+3 + death touch if hit), 2 × spell (according to the rooms); +Attack/Magic 5, Saves 3, +Morale 9.

  4. The Elemental Chamber: A chamber full of portals to elemental planes and elemental components. Choose or randomly roll any spell from the lab session.

    Wizard Stats: +Armor 7, +Life 5, HD: 8 (8d4), Atk: 2 × magic staff (1d6+3 + frost touch if hit), 2 × spell (according to the rooms); +Attack/Magic 6, Saves 2, +Morale 8.

    If you liked this post, consider bank MiniBX here, and get the layouted version with the game and other awesome content! Previews below!


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