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Hollow Earth

Back in 2009, I was having a great time hiking in what is called “Trilha do Morro Pelado” (naked hill trail). It is located in the South of the country, in Santa Catarina state.  

And recently I was watching a youtube channel in which the crew was also hiking there. One of the crew members mentioned a book that reports local caves leading to The Hollow Earth (this is also the title of the book). It is a conspiracy book written in the 60s, by a Dr. Raymond Bernard.  

The main theory of it is that the Earth is hollow, and inhabited by a high-tech society that has UFOs, and the reason of UFOs sightings is the threat of an atomic cataclysm, back in the 60s and 70s. 

On the first pages of the book, we could see the following:

Freely Translated: “Is this the greatest discovery in history?” Dr. Raymond, famous scientist and author of the Hollow Earth, says that the real UFO base is an immense subterrain world, in which the entrance is an opening at the North Pole. Dr. Bernard believes that in the interior of the hollow earth lives a super race that doesn't want to be in touch with the surface man. Their UFOs were launched after the man threatened the world with atomic bombs”.

The basis of this book are: 

1. That the Earth is hollow and not a solid sphere, as commonly assumed and that its hollow interior communicates with the surface through two polar openings.

2. That the observations and discoveries of Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy, as well as the observations of other Arctic explorers, confirm the truth of our revolutionary theory about the structure of the Earth. The Real Admiral is supposedly the first to enter the polar openings, which he did for a total distance of 6,420 kilometers, in the Arctic and Antarctica.

3. That the exploration of the unknown New World, which exists inside the Earth, is much more important than the exploration of outer space. And Admiral Byrd's aerial explorations show how such explorations can be conducted.

4. That the nation, whose explorers are the first to reach this New World, in the hollow interior of the Earth - whose land area is larger than that of the Earth's surface - will become the largest nation in the world. Such exploration can be done by repeating Admiral Byrd's flights, in addition to the hypothetical North and South Poles, in the Arctic and Antarctic polar openings.

5. That there is no reason for the hollow interior of the Earth, which has a warmer climate than that of the surface, to not be home to plants, animals and human life; and, therefore, it is very possible that the mysterious flying saucers come from an advanced civilization, from the hollow interior of the Earth.

6. That, in the event of a world nuclear war, the hollow interior of the Earth will allow the continuation of human life, after the precipitation of the radioactive material exterminates all the life of the Earth's surface; and it will provide an ideal refuge for the evacuation of the survivors of the catastrophe, so that the human race is not completely destroyed, but allowed to continue.

WOW! With all due respect to the author and people that believe in these theories, that is an awesome RPG setting plot. It has it all: Mega dungeons, ancient powerful beings, ancient civilizations and structures, underground beasts, unknown technology and paranoia.

That's all awesome, and it fits perfectly with any sci-fi, illuminati-esque, urban fantasy systems. But, as many are aware, I really prefer creating or writing medieval fantasy settings, and I’m also on the way of doing a dungeoneer/FF hack. 

In the last post (, I talked about magic and its cost, which made me think: How about magic, using that perspective, taking the place of the atomic threat? Yes, that is a cliffhanger for the next post.

Thanks for reading, I really appreciate any comments and thoughts!!

See y’all!

I have to thank Carlos Berlitz so much for the editions: Please follow him on social medias:

Twitter: @caberlitz

Itch store:





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